Week 13 Part 2
There are many different ways to advertise. Advertising can be through different social media's or just different websites. There are banner ads which are banners that appear at the top of websites or there are post ads on social media. By post ads I mean they look like a regular post in your feed but it is an advertisement. It isn't someone you follow or anything like that. This type of advertising is great for my business(clothing brand).
Being able to post a picture for my business and it just automatically is added into a bunch of people's feeds can be super helpful. People want a visual of what the clothes would look like so being able to have a picture is super important. Also there is a way to boost the page. You can decide how much people you want to see it and what kind of population depending on how much you want to spend. The best part is it is not too expensive. Ads are good once a week. Any less would allow people to possibly forget about you and more might be too much or too annoying for whoever is looking through it. These types of ads would be the best way to go for my business.
If I could reach at least 500 people a week just to start without spending too much then that would be a great way of slowly building a following and slowly adding some new followers each week. I would do these ads on both Facebook and Instagram. I found that doing it on Facebook somehow got more people looking at my website. On Instagram I simply got more followers and likes. Both are helpful. This is how I would advertise.
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