Comments for Week 1

I commented on these three blogs and these were the comments that I made.

Luciano Divinere.
I really like this design! This definitely seems to go along with your snowboarding style. Also I totally agree with you when you say the other options have definitely more of a mom feel to them. This design is young, clean and modern. The layout just seems very easily navigable and makes me want to read more. Great job!

Angelina Draper.
This is awesome! I love the look you were going for and I think you accomplished that. It definitely looks like a very bright and light earthy style. I also love the idea of keeping it plain so there is more focus on pictures. Overall I think it just looks more clean so I love it. Great job!

Robert Eckhart.

I think everything you planned out seems to work great! I am definitely going to start using dark mode now more often because I think you are totally right how that helps not have some a bright light in your face all the time. You really put thought and effort to this and I think it looks awesome. I love the black background with that picture in front of it too I think it is super pleasing to the eye. Great job!


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